mysql - PHP Loop with multiple rows -

i have php code:

$number = substr_replace($_post["number"],"44",0,1);  $sql="select * channel_did did '%".$number."%' , (client_id = '' or client_id null or client_id = '611') , (extension_id = '' or extension_id null) "; $rs=mysql_query($sql,$pbx01_conn) or die(mysql_error()); while($result=mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {     $numbers_list = $result["did"].'<br>';     $email_body = '<font face="arial">     hello, here numbers have requested.<br><br>     please aware these numbers in public pool , not reservered, therefore assigned client @ time.<br><br>     please make choice possible guarantee number require.<br><br>     '.$numbers_list.'<br><br>     kind regards,<br><br>     customer services<br>     integra digital<br><br>     tel: 01702 66 77 27<br>     email:<br>     web:     </font>'; }      echo $email_body;  sendemail($_post["emailto"],"integra digital <>","voip phone numbers requested",$email_body,""); 

it selects rows table , need email 1 email list of rows

when run sql know there 10 rows (did)

when sends email, using $email_body variable putting 1 row in email.

i have created $numbers_list variable should have list of rows 1 row.

create array(), push rows data it.. , use implode() in $email_body;

try this

while($result=mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {     $numbers_list[] = $result["did"];  }   $email_body = '<font face="arial">     hello, here numbers have requested.<br><br>     please aware these numbers in public pool , not reserved, therefore assigned client @ time.<br><br>     please make choice possible guarantee number require.<br><br>     '.implode('<br>',$numbers_list).'<br><br>     kind regards,<br><br>     customer services<br>     integra digital<br><br>     tel: 01702 66 77 27<br>     email:<br>     web:     </font>'; 

and mysql deprecated have mysqli or pdo


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