android - Fragments Behave Weirdly When Using addToBackStack() -

an sscce issue available on github.

for future readers, original example on branch of same project, , fix available in diff.

this sscce has listview , row of buttons. buttons supposed change data in listview, , listview rows (when clicked) supposed open new fragment , advance backstack while staying in same activity.

if following things, produces following result:

  1. open app.
  2. tap listview. - fragmenttransaction.replace(...) addtobackstack(true)
  3. tap of buttons. - fragmenttransaction.replace(...) addtobackstack(false)
  4. tap button.


overlapping fragments

both fragments become visible, want first loaded fragment (listtwofragment in code) display. how fragments supposed work? if so, how can desired effect?

public class mainactivity extends fragmentactivity implements listtwofragment.callbacks,     listthreefragment.callbacks {     public static final string key_args = "args";      private string cururi = "";     private string curargs = "";      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);          selectcontent(false);     }      private void selectcontent(boolean addtobackstack) {         fragment fragment;          if (cururi.isempty()) {             // use default fragment             fragment = new listtwofragment();             cururi = listtwofragment.class.getname();         }         else {             try {                 class<fragment> fragmentclass = (class<fragment>) class.forname(cururi);                 fragment = fragmentclass.newinstance();             }             catch (exception e) { // classnotfound, illegalaccess, etc.                 return;             }         }          // configure fragment         bundle args = new bundle();         args.putstring(key_args, curargs);         fragment.setarguments(args);          attachfragment(fragment, addtobackstack, cururi + ";" + curargs,;     }      protected void attachfragment(fragment fragment, boolean addtobackstack, string tag, int replaceid) {         fragmenttransaction transaction = getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();         transaction.replace(replaceid, fragment, tag);         if (addtobackstack) transaction.addtobackstack(tag);         transaction.commit();     }      @override     public void ontwobuttonclick(string title) {         cururi = listtwofragment.class.getname();         curargs = title;         selectcontent(false);     }      @override     public void ontwolistclick() {         cururi = listthreefragment.class.getname();         curargs = "";         selectcontent(true);     }      @override     public void onthreebuttonclick(string title) {         cururi = listthreefragment.class.getname();         curargs = title;         selectcontent(false);     } } 

i'm working fragments to, , way i'm doing it: go forward (add stack), , backwords (remove stack) 2 different functions

to add stack , change fragment:

public void changefragmentaddtostack(fragment mynewfragment) {         fragmenttransaction t = getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();         t.add(, mynewfragment);         t.addtobackstack(null);         t.commit();     } 

to go stack:

        public void gobackstackmain() {     fragmentmanager man = getsupportfragmentmanager();                  if(man.getbackstackentrycount()>0){                      man.popbackstack(man.getbackstackentryat(0).getname(), fragmentmanager.pop_back_stack_inclusive);             } } 

and if want both: go stack , change fragment:

    public void gobackstackandreplacefragment(fragment mynewfragment) { fragmentmanager man = getsupportfragmentmanager();             if(man.getbackstackentrycount()>0){                  int n = man.getbackstackentrycount();                 man.popbackstack(man.getbackstackentryat(n-1).getname(), fragmentmanager.pop_back_stack_inclusive);             }          fragmenttransaction t = getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();         t.replace(, mynewfragment);         t.commit();     } 

i hope !


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