visual studio 2012 - Porting old Code to Cocos2d-x rc0 2.1.3 giving error -

i have old code. porting new cocos2d-x rc0 2.1.3 .it giving me errors in following lines:

1. in gamescene.cpp

ccscene *scene = ccscene::node(); gamescene *layer = gamescene::node(); 

2. in gamescene.cpp

userpaddle_->runaction(ccmoveto::actionwithduration(0.3 * diffx / gamearea_.size.width, destposition)); 

3. in gamescene.cpp

ccpoint location = touch->locationinview(touch->view()); 

4. in gamescene.cpp

if (ccrect::ccrectcontainspoint(toucharea_, location)) 

5. in gamescene.cpp

if (ccrect::ccrectintersectsrect(ballrect, cc_sprite_rect(paddle))) 

6. in appdelegate.cpp


7. in gamescene.h

// implement "static node()" method manually layer_node_func(helloworld); 

for full list of cocos2d-x api changes, please refer


node() -> create()

actionwithduation(a,b) -> create(a,b)

ccrect::ccrectcontainspoint(toucharea_, location) -> toucharea_.containspoint(location)

touch->locationinview(touch->view()) -> touch->getlocation()

ccrect::ccrectintersectsrect(ballrect, cc_sprite_rect(paddle)) - > ballrect.intersectsrect(cc_sprite_rect(paddle))

layer_node_func -> create_func if still exist.

i forgot openglview one, there one.


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