javascript - Making a Session service available to my SessionsController in AngularJS -

this matter of me not handling dependency injection proper, i'm trying make 'session' service available sessionscontroller. here's sessionscontroller:

angular.module('app.controllers').controller('sessionscontroller', ['$scope', '$location', '$cookiestore', 'session', function($scope, $location, $cookiestore, session) {    $ = function() {     console.log("clicked foo..");   }    $scope.session = session.usersession;     $scope.create = function() {      if ( session.signedout ) {        $scope.session.$save()       .success(function(data, status, headers, config) {         $cookiestore.put('_app_user', data);       });      }       };     $scope.destroy = function() {     $scope.session.$destroy();   };     }]); 

here's actual session service definition:

angular.module('').service('session',[ '$cookiestore', 'usersession', 'userregistration', function($cookiestore, usersession, userregistration) {   this.currentuser = $cookiestore.get('_app_user');   this.signedin = !!$cookiestore.get('_app_user');   this.signedout = !this.signedin;   this.usersession = new usersession( { email:"", password:"example", remember_me:true } );   //this.userregistration = new userregistration( { email:"foo-" + math.floor((math.random()*10000)+1) + "", password:"example", password_confirmation:"example" } );    $rootscope.$on('$routechangestart', function (current, next) {     if (this.signedout && next !== '/login') {      console.log("relocating user..");         //$location('/login');     }});  }]); 

and here's how strung together:

angular.module('app.resources', ['ngresource']); angular.module('', ['ngresource']); angular.module('app.directives', []); angular.module('app.filters', []); angular.module('app.controllers', ['ngcookies', 'session']);  var app = angular.module("app", ['app.resources', '', 'app.directives', 'app.filters', 'app.controllers', 'ui.compat', '$strap.directives', 'templates']); 

clearly missing string firebug complaining there no module named: session.

firebug right, have no module named session. have service named session in module.

just remove session module injection, , go.

angular.module('app.controllers', ['ngcookies']); 


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