php - Password submitted in form does not match password at the database -

i wrote login form, , after hitting submit button, want check if user exists @ database.

if(isset($_post['submitbtn'])){     if($_post['senderlogin'] == 'customer'){         $checkifexists = new customersdao();         $stam = $checkifexists->isexist($_post["name"], $_post["password"]);         var_dump($stam);     } } 

and checking that:

public function isexist($name, $password) {     $this->connect();     if($this->con){         $sql = "select * customers name=? , password=?";         $stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql);         $password = md5($password);         $stmt->bindparam(1, $name);         $stmt->bindparam(2, $password);         $stmt->execute();         $fetched = $stmt->fetchcolumn();         $this->disconnect();         if($fetched > 0) {             return true;         } else {              return false;}     } } 

the passwords @ database encrypted md5.

i tried type user exists @ customers table, , didn't work.

i tried match names , worked, problem comparison of password submitted passwords @ database.

there seems nothing wrong code, and...

"i tried match names , worked, problem comparison of password submitted passwords @ database."

when using hash functions passwords or sensitive data, developers append "salt" strings prevent easy break of these hashs. see in code use md5() on password without kind of salt. , maybe on other point of script, in function adds user database example, hashing password salt , hash won't match.


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