Angularjs $, passing array to PHP -

i using service update db table.

myapp.factory('creategal', function ($http, $q) {     return {         creategal: function ()         {             var deferred = $q.defer();             var newgalleryarray = {};              newgalleryarray.galleryname = 'new image gallery';             newgalleryarray.client      = 245;              $'/beta/images/create', {newgalleryarray: newgalleryarray}).success(function(data)             {                 console.log(data);                 deferred.resolve(data);             });              return deferred.promise;         }     }; }); 


public function create() {     print_r($_post); } 

the array returning empty. passing array incorrectly?

chrome dev enter image description here


it's been while since i've used php, doesn't $_post contain request paramaters? $ sends data through json payload, not request parameters. so, you'll need use json_decode


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