iphone - How to edit the Info.plist file in build folder -

i'm creating live audio streaming app using titanium studio (version 3.1.1). need enable background audio playback iphone. background audio works in android emulator not in iphone sinulator (when click home button, audio fades away , stop). created audioplayer , set audiosessionmode.

ti.app.player = ti.media.createaudioplayer({   url :'http://broadcast.infomaniak.net/radionova-high.mp3',   allowbackground :true }); titanium.media.audiosessionmode = ti.media.audio_session_mode_playback; 

when add , save following lines info.plist file , run project, file reloads , remove these lines. how correctly edit file? or there way background audio in iphone?

<key>uibackgroundmodes</key>     <array> <string>audio</string>     </array> 

you add section tiapp.xml.

here blog post on topic.



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