razor - ASP.NET MVC One to Many Database Table Values with List Attribute -

my first table is:

first table name: contacts
contactid (pk)

second table name: phones
contactid (fk)

my view model is

public class contactvm2 {     public int contactid { get; set; }     public string firstname { get; set; }     public string lastname { get; set; }     public string company { get; set; }      public string phonetype { get; set; }     public string phonenumber { get; set; } } 

repository class is

public class contactrepository {     contactsdbentities dbrepo = new contactsdbentities();      public list<contactvm> getallcontacts()     {         list<contactvm> contactviewlist = new list<contactvm>();          var allcontacts = dbrepo.contacts.tolist();         var allphones = dbrepo.phones.tolist();          foreach (var cont in allcontacts)         {             foreach (var ph in allphones)             {                 if (cont.contactid == ph.contactid)                 {                     contactviewlist.add(new contactvm(){                         contactid =cont.contactid,                         firstname=cont.firstname,                         lastname=cont.lastname,                         company=cont.company,                         phonetype=ph.phonetype,                         phonenumber=ph.phonenumber});                 }             }         }          return contactviewlist;     }         } 

and controller is

public actionresult index()     {         contactrepository contrepo = new contactrepository();          var allcontacts = contrepo.getallcontacts().tolist();          return view(allcontacts);     } 

i have following data in contacts tables
contactid    firstname   lastname   company
1                  bill                gates       microsoft

and in phones table
contactid    phonetype      phonenumber
1                home                1111
1                office                2222

i getting following result
1    bill    gates    home    1111
1    bill    gates    office    2222

where contact details repeating.
need following result
1    bill    gates    home    1111
                            office    2222
have tried following changes in view

 <td style="border:2px solid blue;">         @{         foreach (var parent in model.where(x=>x.contactid==item.contactid).groupby(m=>m.phonenumber))        {              foreach( var itm in parent )            {                              @itm.phonenumber <br />           }               }            }     </td>     <td style="border:2px solid red;">         @{         foreach (var parent in model.where(x=>x.contactid==item.contactid).groupby(m=>m.phonetype))        {              foreach( var itm in parent )            {                              @itm.phonetype <br />           }               }            }     </td> 

but still repeats record again.
tried following changes in modelview

    public list<string> phonetype { get; set; }     public list<string> phonenumber { get; set; } 

but did not results.
can 1 giving simplest example @ beginner level. code without phone iteration in view

@foreach (var item in model) { <tr>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.contactid)     </td>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.firstname)     </td>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.lastname)     </td>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.company)     </td>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.phonetype)     </td>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.phonenumber)     </td>     <td>         @html.actionlink("edit", "edit", new { /* id=item.primarykey */ }) |         @html.actionlink("details", "details", new { /* id=item.primarykey */ }) |         @html.actionlink("delete", "delete", new { /* id=item.primarykey */ })     </td> </tr> 

you should remove iteration repository class , create separate class phone number , add variable of class in contactvm2 the below model:

public class contactvm2 {     public int contactid { get; set; }     public string firstname { get; set; }     public string lastname { get; set; }     public string company { get; set; }     public list<contactvm2phone> phonelist {get; set;}  } public class contactvm2phone {     public string phonetype { get; set; }     public string phonenumber { get; set; } } 

repository class

public class contactrepository {     contactsdbentities dbrepo = new contactsdbentities();      public list<contactvm> getallcontacts()     {         list<contactvm> contactviewlist = new list<contactvm>();           var allcontacts = dbrepo.contacts.tolist();         var allphones = dbrepo.phones.tolist();          foreach (var cont in allcontacts)         {           contactviewlist obj=   new contactvm()            obj.contactid =cont.contactid;            obj.firstname=cont.firstname;            obj.lastname=cont.lastname;            obj.company=cont.company;            list<contactvm2phone> phonelist= new list<contactvm2phone>();             foreach (var ph in allphones)             {                 if (cont.contactid == ph.contactid)                 {                     phonelist.add(new contactvm2phone(){                         phonetype=ph.phonetype,                         phonenumber=ph.phonenumber});                 }             }            obj.phonelist =phonelist;            contactviewlist.add(obj);         }          return contactviewlist;     }         } 


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