jQuery FAQ autosuggest answer below title as per StackOverflow -
i want have support form use content of 'problem title' field trigger add div below possible answers stackoverflow when submit new question.
to clarify, not want suggested answers presented 'auto-complete' option, want them appear below suggested answer.
the markup in page might like:
<input type="text" value="" placeholder="your problem in brief"> <div id="possibleanswers" class="hidden"> <ul> <li><a href="#">possible answer 1</a></li> <li><a href="#">possible answer 2</a></li> <li><a href="#">possible answer 3</a></li> </ul> </div>
as user starts type summary of problem div below populate suggested answers.
i managed , running, here's ended with:
var do_live_search = function() { var stopwords = new array("a","about","an","and","are","as","at","be","by","but","can't","from","how","i","in","is","it","of","on","or","that","the","this","to","was","we","what","when","where","which","with","won't"); var keywords = $("#trigger").val().split(" "); var clean_keywords = new array(); $.each(keywords,function(i,val){ if(($.trim(val) != "") && ($.inarray(val,stopwords)==-1) && ($.inarray(val,clean_keywords)==-1) && (val.length > 3) ){ clean_keywords.push(val); } }); if (clean_keywords.length >= 1) { var joined_keywords = clean_keywords.join('|'); $.get("/fetch/_search_support_faqs?q="+joined_keywords+"", function(mydata){ if (mydata != "") { $.each(mydata, function(i, item) { $('#matchingfaqs ul').append( $('<li>').append( $('<a>').attr('href','#faq_'+mydata[i].entry_id).append(mydata[i].title) )); }); $('#matchingfaqs').slidedown('slow'); } }); } }
this triggered using 'type watch' plug-in jquery (https://github.com/dennyferra/typewatch):
var typewatch_options = { callback:do_live_search, wait:500, highlight:true, capturelength:3 } // watch key events in search field $("input#trigger").typewatch(typewatch_options);
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