node.js - possible EventEmitter memory leak detected - nodejs v.0.10.4 - on centos -

i'm trying create simple static file server node.js, namely serve videos video/mp4 (content-type), download via http.

to note, files large (more 100mb)

tried using package node-serve recommended static file serving not serve purpose (and looks using blocking reads).

my custom code work, yet i'm getting memory leak each request, after 10-20 requests crashes process following error: fatal error: call_and_retry_2 allocation failed - process out of memory

each refresh increasing node.js's memory footprint around 200mb.

looked @ of answers here memory leaks node.js, none of answers solve issue, seems platform specific or combination... , not strictly code fault, have noted developers experience issue since version 0.6+ of node.js...

also saw posts claim happens express (

the code used:

var fs = require('fs'); var http = require('http'); var mediapath = '/mypublicdir';   function error404(res) {     res.writehead(404,{'content-type':'text/plain'});     res.end(); }   function err(str) {     console.log(str); }  var server = http.createserver(function (req,res){    var filename,readstream;     filename = mediapath+req.url   if (fs.existssync(filename)) {     readstream = fs.createreadstream(filename, {         'flags': 'r',             'mode': 0666,             //'encoding': 'binary',             'buffersize': 8 * 1024           });    } else {      return;    }    readstream.on('data',function(data){     res.write(data);   });       readstream.on('open',function(data){     console.log('stream open');     res.writehead(200,{'content-type':contenttypeselector('video'),     'content-transfer-encoding' : 'binary',     'transfer-encoding' : 'chunked'     });   });    readstream.on('error',function(e){     error404(res);     err('stream read error',{request:collectrequestmeta(req),filename:filename,error:e});   });    readstream.on('end',function(data){   });  });   server.listen(8080); 

the full warning each request:

(node) warning: possible eventemitter memory leak detected. 11 listeners added. use emitter.setmaxlisteners() increase limit. trace     @ socket.eventemitter.addlistener (events.js:160:15)     @ socket.readable.on (_stream_readable.js:653:33)     @ socket.eventemitter.once (events.js:179:8)     @ tcp.onread (net.js:527:26) 

while writing this, i've found following issue: nodejs : how debug "eventemitter memory leak detected. 11 listeners added"

which states bug in nodejs core :(

strangely on windows machine, not happen. ideas other installing legacy version v0.8.23 appreciated..

i experienced same issue on node 0.10.4 (node.js app becomes unresponsive if reload multiple times in quick succession) - best solution upgrade 0.10.15 - bug has been fixed in newer releases.


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