c# - Multiple ListViews sharing a ContextMenu, how can I reference the right object? -

i have many listviews, each bound own listcollectionview, each identical contextmenu needs. don't want repeat same contextmenu n times, define in resources , refer via staticresource.

when item x in listview right clicked, , menuitem clicked, how can access object x in codebehind?

<window.resources>     <contextmenu x:key="commoncontextmenu">         <menuitem header="do stuff" click="dostuff_click" />     </contextmenu> </window.resources>  <listview itemssource="{binding path=listcollectionview1}" contextmenu="{staticresource commoncontextmenu}">     ... </listview>  <listview itemssource="{binding path=listcollectionview2}" contextmenu="{staticresource commoncontextmenu}">     ... </listview>  private void dostuff_click(object sender, routedeventargs e) {     // how selected item of right listview? } 


thanks michael gunter's answer, using following extension methods:

public static listview getlistview(this menuitem menuitem) {     if (menuitem == null)         return null;      var contextmenu = menuitem.parent contextmenu;     if (contextmenu == null)         return null;      var listviewitem = contextmenu.placementtarget listviewitem;     if (listviewitem == null)         return null;      return listviewitem.getlistview(); }  public static listview getlistview(this listviewitem item) {     (dependencyobject = item; != null; = visualtreehelper.getparent(i))     {         var listview = listview;         if (listview != null)             return listview;     }      return null; } 

1) put context menu on each item within each listview, rather on each listview itself. avoids context menu popping when clicking on empty space in listview. this, use listview.itemcontainerstyle property. (if want context menu on listview itself, let me know , i'll edit answer accordingly.)

<window.resources>     <contextmenu x:key="commoncontextmenu">         <menuitem header="do stuff" click="dostuff_click" />     </contextmenu>     <style x:key="listviewitemstyle" targettype="{x:type listviewitem}">         <setter property="contextmenu" value="{staticresource commoncontextmenu}" />     </style> </window.resources>  <listview itemssource="{binding path=listcollectionview1}" itemcontainerstyle="{staticresource listviewitemstyle}">     ... </listview> <listview itemssource="{binding path=listcollectionview2}" itemcontainerstyle="{staticresource listviewitemstyle}">     ... </listview> 

2) use code following determine item right-clicked upon.

private void dostuff_click(object sender, routedeventargs e) {     var menuitem = sender menuitem;     if (menuitem == null)         return;      var contextmenu = menuitem.parent contextmenu;     if (contextmenu == null)         return;      var listviewitem = contextmenu.placementtarget listviewitem;     if (listviewitem == null)         return;      var listview = getlistview(listviewitem);     if (listview == null)         return;      // stuff here }  private listview getlistview(listviewitem item) {     (dependencyobject = item; != null; = visualtreehelper.getparent(i))     {         var listview = listview;         if (listview != null)             return listview;     }     return null; } 


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