android - How to get the shortcut menu name of Intent? -

i can use following code packagename , of intent.
hope shortcut menu name such "add dropbox" image below, how can ? thanks!

enter image description here

private void getshare() {     intent share = new intent(android.content.intent.action_send);     share.settype("image/*");     list<resolveinfo> resinfo = getpackagemanager().queryintentactivities(share, 0);     if (!resinfo.isempty()){         (resolveinfo info : resinfo) {              toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(),info.activityinfo.packagename.tolowercase()                     +" cw "                                                     ,toast.length_long).show();         }     } } 

you can activityinfo.labelres

edit: returns int referencing string res id. still have package's res map correct string.


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