android - Replacing Provider injections with Mockito mocks during test with Dagger -

i attempting test-drive suite of changes i'm making android service ( - using dagger , robolectric , need replace field injected classes within service mocks reduce test scope...make (slightly) more 'unit' like.

so, short version...

i inject providers.of (guice syntax there...) how replace them mockproviders during unit test?

the longer version...

this relevant service code looks like;

@inject spotservice spotservice; @inject provider<synchronisetideposition> synctideposition; @inject provider<synchroniseswelldatatask> syncbuoydata; @inject provider<synchroniseconditionstask> syncconditionsdata; @inject spotratingcalculator spotratingcalculator; @inject localbroadcastmanager localbroadcastmanager; @inject notificationmanager notificationmanager;  /**  * @see  */ @override public void oncreate() {   super.oncreate();   inject(this); ... 

so, under normal operation startservice(intent) call lets service inject it's dependencies during oncreate , we're good.

under test want replace injected providers get() calls mockito mocks. have attempted follow dagger test example , created test module looks this;

@module(includes = oceanlifemodule.class,         injects = {testsynchronisationservicenotifications.class},         overrides = true)   static class testsynchronisationservicenotificationsmodule {     @provides localbroadcastmanager providelocalbroadcastmanager() {       return localbroadcastmanager.getinstance(robolectric.application);     }      @provides notificationmanager providesnotificationmanager() {       return (notificationmanager) robolectric.application.getsystemservice(context.notification_service);     }      @provides spotservice providespotservice() {       return mock(spotservice.class);     }      @provides spotratingcalculator providespotratingcalculator() {       return mock(spotratingcalculator.class);     }      @provides synchronisetideposition providesynctideposition() {       return mock(synchronisetideposition.class);     }      @provides synchroniseconditionstask providesyncconditionstask() {       return mock(synchroniseconditionstask.class);     }      @provides synchroniseswelldatatask providesyncswelldatatask() {       return mock(synchroniseswelldatatask.class);     }   } 

i expecting when actual service code calls provider get() getting mockito mocks (those mocks test module @provides).

this isn't happening. what's wrong approach i'm heading down here?

make own providers.of():

public static <t> provider<t> of(final t t) {   return new provider<t>() {     public t get() {       return t;      }   } } 

dagger should include in testing module.


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