batch file - WMIC get physical memory -

hi have script gets system information , stores information system variable , parses detailed info flat text file in folder. information lets me know in company has type of windows, type of computer, , specs. thing missing getting total physical ram machine, making total physical ram system variable , getting detailed ram info such how many banks populated , how ram flat text file. here script, appreciated.

    @if %debug%!==! echo on       setlocal     set prefix=%city%\%location%\computerlist\      /f "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==|" %%i in (`wmic os name^,version /format:list`) 2>nul set "%%i=%%j"     /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('wmic bios version /format:list') set "bios=%%i"     /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('wmic computersystem model /format:list') set "model=%%i"     ::for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in (systeminfo |find "total physical memory" /format:list) set "memory=%%i"      >>"%prefix%\%computername%.txt" echo os name: %name%     >>"%prefix%\%computername%txt" echo os version: %version%     >>"%prefix%\%computername%txt" echo pc model: %model%     >>"%prefix%\%computername%txt" echo bios version: %bios%     ::>>"%prefix%\%computername%txt" echo wmic memorychip banklabel, capacity, caption, devicelocator, partnumber      if defined programfiles(x86) (set arch=x64) else set arch=x86      if "%name%" neq "%name:windows 8=%" ( set out=%prefix%\win8comps.txt     ) else if "%name%" neq "%name:windows 7=%" ( set out=%prefix%\win7comps.txt     ) else if "%name%" neq "%name:windows vista=%" ( set out=%prefix%\winvistacomps.txt     ) else if "%name%" neq "%name:windows xp=%" ( set out=%prefix%\winxpcomps.txt     )      >>"%out%" echo %computername% running %name% in %arch% environment      :setx     if exist "%windir%\system32\setx.exe" (goto language) else ( xcopy %city%\%location%\setx.exe %windir%\system32\setx.exe     )      :install_language     reg query "hklm\system\controlset001\control\nls\language" /v installlanguage | find "0409" > nul && set install_lang=english     reg query "hklm\system\controlset001\control\nls\language" /v installlanguage | find "040c" > nul && set install_lang=french_standard     reg query "hklm\system\controlset001\control\nls\language" /v installlanguage | find "0c0c" > nul && set install_lang=french_canadian       :locale_language     reg query "hklm\system\controlset001\control\nls\language" /ve | find "0409" > nul && set locale_lang=english     reg query "hklm\system\controlset001\control\nls\language" /ve | find "0c0c" > nul && set locale_lang=french_standard      :set_sys_variables     setx -m os_name "%name%"     setx -m architechture %arch%     setx -m os_version %version%     setx -m pc_model %model%     setx -m bios_ver "%bios%"     setx -m install_lang %install_lang%     setx -m locale_lang %locale_lang%     setx -m memory %memory% 

@echo off setlocal /f "tokens=3*" %%i in ('systeminfo 2^>nul^|find "total physical memory"') set "memory=%%j" echo systeminfo: %memory% /f "delims=" %%i in ('wmic memphysical^|find "physical"') set "memory=%%i" %%i in (%memory:~139%) set memory=%%i&goto reportmem :reportmem echo wmic:%memory% goto :eof 

run report:

from systeminfo: 7,678 mb wmic:8388608 

so consistency - , i'm using . decimal point, , thousands-separator...


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