excel - Searching a folder to match each file to a table -

i added loop (see k part) , slows down entire program. possible make more efficient?

i searching specific folder , trying match each file table in spreadsheet. trying make quarters(1,j) in k loop same quarters(i,j) lower part of code not sure how since have used integer i.

for j = 1 2     k = 1 39         if k <= 29             'looks @ files in folder given quarter             sourcefoldername = folderpath & "\" & quarters(1, j)             set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")             set objfolder = objfso.getfolder(sourcefoldername)         end if          if k > 29             sourcefoldername = folderpath & "\" & quarters(k, j)             set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")             set objfolder = objfso.getfolder(sourcefoldername)         end if          each objfile in objfolder.files             = 1             notassigned = true             'keep going until match file             while notassigned = true                 'if beginning of file name matches given state,                 'assign file name state quarter                 if left(objfile.name, 9) = stateabbr(i, 1) & quarters(i, j) & "fa"                     wbname(i, j) = objfile.name                     'stop trying match file                      notassigned = false                 end if                 if = 39 notassigned = false                 = + 1             wend         next objfile         set objfile = nothing         set objfolder = nothing         set objfso = nothing     next k next j 

i managed change entire code use dir instead of looping each cell in spreadsheet , looping each file in folder. run time cut down 40 min 2 second!!!!!!! amazed now. here solution if interested.

dim strfile string j = 1 2     = 1 39         strfile = dir(folderpath & "\" & quarters(i, j) & "\*fa*")     while len(strfile) > 0         if left(strfile, 9) = stateabbr(i, 1) & quarters(i, j) & "fa"             wbname(i, j) = strfile         end if         strfile = dir     loop     next   next j 


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