c# - How to determine the sender of a delegated email in Exchange 2010 -

i trying find way name of sender of item in delegated mailbox in exchange 2010 via exchange web services. scenario many delegates have access shared inbox , send emails inbox owner (i.e. 'messagingtest@onetwothree.com') able identify sent particular email.

i can hold of sent folder items fine can't find way of identifying sender.

exchangeservice service = new exchangeservice(exchangeversion.exchange2010_sp2); service.credentials = new system.net.networkcredential("administratorusername", "administratorpassword", "onetwothree"); service.url = new uri("https://excas.onetwothree.local/ews/exchange.asmx"); service.autodiscoverurl("exadmin@onetwothree.com", redirectionurlvalidationcallback);  mailbox principal = new mailbox("messagingtest@onetwothree.com"); folder ftest = folder.bind(service, new folderid(wellknownfoldername.sentitems, principal)); finditemsresults<item> findaltresults = service.finditems(new folderid(wellknownfoldername.sentitems, principle), new itemview(10));  foreach (item sentitem in findaltresults.items)     {         emailmessage mss = (emailmessage)sentitem;         string sender = mss.sender.name; // returns mailbox principal, messagingtest@onewtothree.com, not j.johnson@onetwothree.com     } 

any ideas?


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