java - Toast call inside of a button tap giving an error that i can't figure out -

i trying make toast display information stored in text variable when submitbtn clicked. error getting not in running of code eclipse telling me :

the method maketext(context, charsequence, int) in type toast not applicable arguments (class, string, int)

the file toast in file. here current code block:

button submitbtn = (button) findviewbyid(;     submitbtn.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         public void onclick(view v) {             int position = spinner.getselecteditemposition();             string text = null;              text = dayarray[position].tostring();             //log.i("spinner test: ", text);             toast toast = toast.maketext(userinput.class, text, toast.length_long).show();         }     }); 

i have tried set context userinput.this , getapplicationcontext() , gives me error:

type mismatch: cannot convert void toast

i let know android novice , of java novice have searched high , low , can not find solutions work. toast not important app developing , taken out want know why not work learning process.


toast toast = toast.maketext(userinput.class, text, toast.length_long).show(); 


toast.maketext(userinput.this, text, toast.length_long).show(); 

you need use activity context use activityname.this.

but original problem if doing way need call statically because calling show().

you take off show() , create instance of toast if wanted other things such call setview() use custom view toast. call show() on toast instance created.


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