rest - Dojo EnhancedGrid Scrolling with JsonRestStore -

i using dojo 1.6 enhancedgrid jsonreststore shown in snippet below. have 15000 records of data. when vertical scrollbar grid dragged down in order scroll, takes long time data visible in grid. after debugging, noticed single act of scrolling sends 4-5 requests server.

is there better way solution this, or there way insure last request sent server? able capture onscroll event, wasn't sure how prevent request being sent.

store = new{     target:"myurl",     idattribute: 'id',      allownotrailingslash: true});         mygrid = new dojox.grid.enhancedgrid({     id: 'mygrid',     queryoptions: {ignorecase: true},     sortinfo: '3',     store: store,     structure: my.grid.structure,     selectionmode: "extended",     autoheight: 12,     plugins: {indirectselection: true},     fastscroll: false },document.createelement('div')); dojo.byid("datagrid").appendchild(mygrid.domnode);  // start grid  mygrid.startup(); 

if have information handle suggest use pagination-plugin enhanced grid. advantage number of data records loaded @ once.

have here:

regards, miriam


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