No trusted certificate found using CAS and JBoss -

i'm trying authenticate through cas+ldap in jboss app. config this:

  • server 1: jboss 6.10. cas deployed here.
  • server 1: ldap using opends.
  • server 2: jboss whith app login into.

i've configured both jboss use ssl correctly , cas succesfyuly reads , authenticates against ldap.

when (through https) server1:8443/app/ i'm redirected server2:8443/cas/ , login screen displayed. login valid user on ldap when flow gets app i'm getting this: no trusted certificate found 

i've read certificate problem and, dev enviroment i'm trying self-signed certificate. did this:

  1. gen self signed in server1 with

    keytool -genkey -alias jbosskey -keypass password -keyalg rsa -keystore server.keystore

  2. get certificate of server1 with:

    keytool -export -alias jbosskey -keypass password -file server.crt -keystore server.keystore

  3. copy server.crt server2 , import truststore of jboss.

    keytool -import -alias server1 -file server.crt -keystore c:\dev\\server.truststore

  4. this gets me eception. imported cacerts of jvm.

    keytool -import -alias server1 -file server.crt -keystore c:\dev\jdk160_18\jre\lib\security\cacerts

  5. not working, tried add certificate keystore of jboss @ server2.

    keytool -import -alias server1 -file server.crt -keystore c:\dev\\keystore.jks

the server1 jboss server.xml

  <connector protocol="http/1.1" sslenabled="true"         port="${jboss.web.https.port}" address="${jboss.bind.address}"        scheme="https" secure="true" clientauth="false"         keystorefile="${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/server.keystore"        keystorepass="password" sslprotocol = "tls"  /> 

the server2 jboss server.xml

<connector protocol="http/1.1" sslenabled="true"             port="8443" address="${jboss.bind.address}"             scheme="https" secure="true" clientauth="false"             keystorefile="c:\dev\\keystore.jks"             keystorepass="password"             truststorefile="c:\dev\\server.truststore"             truststorepass="password"             sslprotocol = "tls" /> 

i've been stuck on couple of days , don't know if i'm missing something. did missed important keytool?

thanks in advance.


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