javascript - Dojo.hitch immediately-called: Confirming my suspicions -

this quick one. understand, dojo.hitch() function useful giving function callback called in namespace need (the first argument). however, i've seen number of calling syntaxes following:

dojo.hitch(iamanamespace, iamanamespace.dosomething)(); 

the part weirds me out 2 parentheses @ end. they're apparently not creating function later - they're calling right now. obvious thought shortened to:


i sort of doing replacement absent-mindedly, thinking result of being over-careful this references, found able locate few instances of in "dojox" modules, , 1 inside of dojo/_base/lang did change namespace context, still have used ".call()".

can confirm who's used dojo while situation, if any, might demand use of hitch called immediately, opposed doing normal, old-fashioned way?

i haven't used dojo, looking @ the source can tell you're right. when know arguments, should shorten call.

there might 1 reason use hitch though: if want allow both functions , method names might shorter immediately-invoke hitched function write like

if (typeof fn == "string")     fn = (context || global)[fn]; if (typof fn == "function"); else     throw "not function"; 


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