.net - Adding a dll custom action to install shield limited edition project through a merge module created via wix -

i have created wix merge module project , added dll custom action it:

<wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">   <module id="mergemodule1" language="1033" version="">     <package id="cffa568e-1bf0-4eb3-bee3-eb5801a0bbd0" manufacturer="microsoft" installerversion="200" />      <binary id="mycustomactionsdll" sourcefile="customaction1.ca.dll" />      <customaction     id="ca_mycustomaction"     binarykey="mycustomactionsdll"     dllentry="customaction1"     execute="deferred"     return="asyncwait" />      <installexecutesequence>       <custom action="ca_mycustomaction" before="installfinalize" />     </installexecutesequence>    </module> </wix> 

in installshield limited edition setup project, click on redistributables , browse mergemodule1.msm file , add it.

when run msi created, installs successfully, seems custom action not run, because don't see file c:\test.txt:

[customaction]         public static actionresult customaction1(session session)         {             file.writealltext(@"c:\test.txt", session.gettargetpath("") + "-----" + session.getsourcepath(""));              return actionresult.failure;         } 

when open msi file created in orca, can see custom action there in installexecutesequence table.

what can reason not getting executed?

your troubleshooting should begin capturing verbose log , reading errors.

msiexec /i foo.msi /l*v install.log

i'm guessing if add impersonate="no" attribute , change return attribte "check" you'll better results.

i use wix merge modules installshield limited edition time. recommend reading following:

installation phases , in-script execution options custom actions in windows installer

installation collaboration workflows using free tools


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