c++ - Boost Asio pattern with GUI and worker thread -
i implement boost asio pattern using thread gui , worker thread socket io.
the worker thread use boost::asio::io_service
manage socket client. operations on sockets performed worker thread only.
the gui thread needs send , receive messages worker thread.
i can't figure how implement pattern using boost asio.
i've implemented socket communication in standard asio way (i call io_service.run()
worker thread , use async_read_some
). don't need strands
because io_service.run()
called worker thread only.
now i'm trying add cross thread message queue. how can implement it?
should run
gui thread too?
or should use strands
post messages gui thread worker thread (without calling io_service.run()
or io_service.poll_one()
gui thread), , use operating system's gui message loop post messages worker thread gui thread?
if need call io_service.run()
or io_service.poll_one()
gui thread too, need use strands
on socket operations, since io_service
shared between 2 threads?
edit: clarify question, whatever can, implement message queue, using boost asio, relying on other libraries if boost asio can't job.
message passing generic. there various ways approach problem, , solution dependent on desired behavioral details. example, blocking or non-blocking, controlling memory allocation, context, etc.
boost.lockfree provides thread-safe lock-free non-blocking queues singe/multi consumer/producers. tends lend nicely event loops, not ideal consumer blocked, waiting producer signal synchronization construct.
boost::lockfree::queue<message_type> worker_message_queue; void send_worker_message(const message_type& message) { // add message worker message queue. worker_message_queue.push(message); // add work worker_io_service process queue. worker_io_service.post(&process_message); } void process_message() { message_type message; // if message not retrieved, return early. if (!worker_message_queue.pop(message)) return; ... }
alternatively, boost.asio's
can function queue. message needs bound specified handler.void send_worker_message(const message_type& message) { // add work worker_io_service process message. worker_io_service.post(boost::bind(&process_message, message)); } void process_message(message_type& message) { ... }
this comment suggest desire more message passing. sounds though end goal allow 1 thread cause thread invoke arbitrary functions.
if case, consider:
- using boost.signals2 managed signals , slots implementation. allows arbitrary functions register signal.
- using boost.asio's
setup signal emissions. if gui thread , worker thread each have ownio_service
, worker thread can post handler gui thread'sio_service
emit signal. in gui thread's main loop, pollio_service
, emit signal, , cause slots invoked within gui thread's context.
here complete example 2 threads pass message (as unsigned int
) 1 another, causing arbitrary functions invoked within thread.
#include <iostream> #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/signals2.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp> /// @brief io_service dedicated gui. boost::asio::io_service gui_service; /// @brief io_service dedicated worker. boost::asio::io_service worker_service; /// @brief work keep gui_service stopping prematurely. boost::optional<boost::asio::io_service::work> gui_work; /// @brief hello slot. void hello(int x) { std::cout << "hello " << x << " thread " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl; } /// @brief world slot. void world(int x) { std::cout << "world " << x << " thread " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl; } /// @brief type signals. typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (int)> signal_type; void emit_then_notify_gui(signal_type& signal, unsigned int x); /// @brief emit signals message worker. void emit_then_notify_worker(signal_type& signal, unsigned int x) { // emit signal, causing registered slots run within thread. signal(x); // if x has been exhausted, cause gui service run out of work. if (!x) { gui_work = boost::none; } // otherwise, post work worker service. else { std::cout << "gui thread: " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << " scheduling other thread emit signals" << std::endl; worker_service.post(boost::bind( &emit_then_notify_gui, boost::ref(signal), --x)); } } /// @brief emit signals message worker. void emit_then_notify_gui(signal_type& signal, unsigned int x) { // emit signal, causing registered slots run within thread. signal(x); // if x has been exhausted, cause gui service run out of work. if (!x) { gui_work = boost::none; } // otherwise, post more work gui. else { std::cout << "worker thread: " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << " scheduling other thread emit signals" << std::endl; gui_service.post(boost::bind( &emit_then_notify_worker, boost::ref(signal), --x)); } } void worker_main() { std::cout << "worker thread: " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl; worker_service.run(); } int main() { signal_type signal; // connect slots signal. signal.connect(&hello); signal.connect(&world); boost::optional<boost::asio::io_service::work> worker_work( boost::ref(worker_service)); gui_work = boost::in_place(boost::ref(gui_service)); std::cout << "gui thread: " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl; // spawn off worker thread. boost::thread worker_thread(&worker_main); // add work worker. worker_service.post(boost::bind( &emit_then_notify_gui, boost::ref(signal), 3)); // mocked gui main loop. while (!gui_service.stopped()) { // other gui actions. // perform message processing. gui_service.poll_one(); } // cleanup. worker_work = boost::none; worker_thread.join(); }
and output:
gui thread: b7f2f6d0 worker thread: b7f2eb90 hello 3 thread b7f2eb90 world 3 thread b7f2eb90 worker thread: b7f2eb90 scheduling other thread emit signals hello 2 thread b7f2f6d0 world 2 thread b7f2f6d0 gui thread: b7f2f6d0 scheduling other thread emit signals hello 1 thread b7f2eb90 world 1 thread b7f2eb90 worker thread: b7f2eb90 scheduling other thread emit signals hello 0 thread b7f2f6d0 world 0 thread b7f2f6d0
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