c++ - Boost Asio pattern with GUI and worker thread -

i implement boost asio pattern using thread gui , worker thread socket io.

the worker thread use boost::asio::io_service manage socket client. operations on sockets performed worker thread only.

the gui thread needs send , receive messages worker thread.

i can't figure how implement pattern using boost asio.

i've implemented socket communication in standard asio way (i call io_service.run() worker thread , use async_read_some/async_send). don't need strands because io_service.run() called worker thread only.

now i'm trying add cross thread message queue. how can implement it?

should run io_service gui thread too?

or should use strands post post messages gui thread worker thread (without calling io_service.run() or io_service.poll_one() gui thread), , use operating system's gui message loop post messages worker thread gui thread?

if need call io_service.run() or io_service.poll_one() gui thread too, need use strands on socket operations, since io_service shared between 2 threads?

edit: clarify question, whatever can, implement message queue, using boost asio, relying on other libraries if boost asio can't job.

message passing generic. there various ways approach problem, , solution dependent on desired behavioral details. example, blocking or non-blocking, controlling memory allocation, context, etc.

  • boost.lockfree provides thread-safe lock-free non-blocking queues singe/multi consumer/producers. tends lend nicely event loops, not ideal consumer blocked, waiting producer signal synchronization construct.

    boost::lockfree::queue<message_type> worker_message_queue;  void send_worker_message(const message_type& message) {   // add message worker message queue.   worker_message_queue.push(message);    // add work worker_io_service process queue.   worker_io_service.post(&process_message);  }  void process_message() {   message_type message;    // if message not retrieved, return early.   if (!worker_message_queue.pop(message)) return;    ... } 
  • alternatively, boost.asio's io_service can function queue. message needs bound specified handler.

    void send_worker_message(const message_type& message) {   // add work worker_io_service process message.   worker_io_service.post(boost::bind(&process_message, message));  }  void process_message(message_type& message) {   ... } 

this comment suggest desire more message passing. sounds though end goal allow 1 thread cause thread invoke arbitrary functions.

if case, consider:

  • using boost.signals2 managed signals , slots implementation. allows arbitrary functions register signal.
  • using boost.asio's io_service setup signal emissions. if gui thread , worker thread each have own io_service, worker thread can post handler gui thread's io_service emit signal. in gui thread's main loop, poll io_service, emit signal, , cause slots invoked within gui thread's context.

here complete example 2 threads pass message (as unsigned int) 1 another, causing arbitrary functions invoked within thread.

#include <iostream> #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/signals2.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp>  /// @brief io_service dedicated gui. boost::asio::io_service gui_service;  /// @brief io_service dedicated worker. boost::asio::io_service worker_service;  /// @brief work keep gui_service stopping prematurely. boost::optional<boost::asio::io_service::work> gui_work;  /// @brief hello slot. void hello(int x) {   std::cout << "hello " << x << " thread " <<                 boost::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl; }  /// @brief world slot. void world(int x) {   std::cout << "world " << x << " thread " <<                 boost::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl; }  /// @brief type signals. typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (int)> signal_type;  void emit_then_notify_gui(signal_type& signal, unsigned int x);  /// @brief emit signals message worker. void emit_then_notify_worker(signal_type& signal, unsigned int x) {   // emit signal, causing registered slots run within thread.   signal(x);    // if x has been exhausted, cause gui service run out of work.   if (!x)   {     gui_work = boost::none;   }   // otherwise, post work worker service.   else   {     std::cout << "gui thread: " << boost::this_thread::get_id() <<                   " scheduling other thread emit signals" << std::endl;     worker_service.post(boost::bind(         &emit_then_notify_gui,         boost::ref(signal), --x));   }   }  /// @brief emit signals message worker. void emit_then_notify_gui(signal_type& signal, unsigned int x) {   // emit signal, causing registered slots run within thread.   signal(x);    // if x has been exhausted, cause gui service run out of work.   if (!x)   {     gui_work = boost::none;   }   // otherwise, post more work gui.   else   {     std::cout << "worker thread: " << boost::this_thread::get_id() <<                   " scheduling other thread emit signals" << std::endl;     gui_service.post(boost::bind(         &emit_then_notify_worker,         boost::ref(signal), --x));   }   }  void worker_main() {   std::cout << "worker thread: " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;   worker_service.run(); }  int main() {   signal_type signal;    // connect slots signal.   signal.connect(&hello);   signal.connect(&world);    boost::optional<boost::asio::io_service::work> worker_work(      boost::ref(worker_service));   gui_work = boost::in_place(boost::ref(gui_service));    std::cout << "gui thread: " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;    // spawn off worker thread.   boost::thread worker_thread(&worker_main);    // add work worker.   worker_service.post(boost::bind(       &emit_then_notify_gui,       boost::ref(signal), 3));    // mocked gui main loop.   while (!gui_service.stopped())   {     // other gui actions.      // perform message processing.     gui_service.poll_one();   }    // cleanup.   worker_work = boost::none;   worker_thread.join(); } 

and output:

gui thread: b7f2f6d0 worker thread: b7f2eb90 hello 3 thread b7f2eb90 world 3 thread b7f2eb90 worker thread: b7f2eb90 scheduling other thread emit signals hello 2 thread b7f2f6d0 world 2 thread b7f2f6d0 gui thread: b7f2f6d0 scheduling other thread emit signals hello 1 thread b7f2eb90 world 1 thread b7f2eb90 worker thread: b7f2eb90 scheduling other thread emit signals hello 0 thread b7f2f6d0 world 0 thread b7f2f6d0


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