mysql - What is the best way to implement a server database to be accessed from mobile apps (ios, android)? -

i'm creating mobile app access journal articles. organized volume -> issue -> section -> article. means have 13 * 4 * 10 * 3 = 1560 articles. way implement database host these articles (including images, resources, etc) on web server? each article marked in html. believe nice, because in apps display content in web view. however, i'll need query articles search functions, saving locally device, etc.

i'd prefer open source, , i'm new databases (but proficient in app development), i'd appreciate if point me toward best way of learning.

i'm not sure if looking advice concerning structure might approach further thinking:

  • create table in write data
  • you have 1 column unique id each article
  • one column each field of volume, issue etc.
  • then have 1 column contains huge string in put html data string. (there might better way concerning search function)
  • you can save blob makes indexing lot harder.
  • i save resources separated database. name them after article id. example resource number 10 in article 5 5.10.pdf or whatever format. depends on html format of course. , whether want rename files (might lot of work 1500 articles)


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