python - Variable inputs within an IF creating a bank. -
i'm new python , doing work if statements. have far... print("hello") myname = input("what name?") print("hello " +myname) myage = int(input("how old you?")) if myage <=18: myresponse = input("you must still @ school?") if myresponse == "yes" or "yes" or "yes" or "y" or "yes" or "y": myschool = input("what school go to?") print (myschool, "that school hear") if myresponse == "no" or "n" or "n" or "no": print("lucky you, have lots of free time!") if myage >=19: myresponse = input("you must have job?") if myresponse == "yes" or "yes" or "yes" or "y" or "yes" or "y": mywork = input("what do?") print (mywork, "thats tough job") if myresponse == ...